Duckpond House Concert No. 7
Danny Spooner
26 May 2012

The house concerts are coming thick and fast in 2012, with our third for the year,
and 7th overall, on 26 May.
Following the many requests from all those who were here
for Danny Spooner's previous concert, and many of those who missed it,
we were happy to welcome him back to the Duckpond.


As you can see from my splendid pumpkin harvest, Autumn has come to the Duckpond.


Danny's delightful wife Gael made the trip down from
Daylesford with him, and what a huge bonus she is.
Gael hops in wherever she thinks she can lend a hand,
from reading stories to one of my grand daughters,
through dish washing, to green tomato gathering.
Danny and Gael initiated us into the delicious taste of
'fried green tomatoes', which we can now personally recommend.


Danny is so popular around here that we had to squeeze in an extra table up the front
to accomodate four extra guests. Fortunately, Danny doesn't take up much room.
Those seated at the 'Royal Box' were delighted to get 'up close and personal'.


Danny's repertoire must run into the thousands, and he manages to create such a variety
of presentation with a mixture of unaccompanied songs, and concertina or guitar accompaniments.
He brought along with him his brand new guitar, presented to him by the Port Fairy Folk Festival
as a lifetime achievement award.


One of the most wonderful aspects of listening to Danny Spooner
is that behind every song there is a story. And he tells them so very well.


Every possible vantage point was occupied!


And even with the music part of the evening concluded,
Danny is always keen to continue chatting into the night.

The last word on everyone's lips as they left to go home was
"can you ask Danny to come back next year". How could we refuse!
You can read more about Danny - and listen to several tracks of his music
on his website at


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